Our Publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications

17) Sirianni, H., **Richter, J., Sirianni, M., **Pettyjohn, S. (2024) Shoreline classification maps and ground truth data for the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina. Scientific Data, 11(103). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-024-02954-5 (Journal Article: IF: 9.8).

16) Heffentrager, M., Wasklewicz, T., Sirianni, H., Gares, P., Richter, J. Reproducibility in Coastal Physical Laboratory Experiments: Washover Deposits and Channel Morphology. Journal of Coastal Research, https://doi.org/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-22-00092.1 (Journal Article: IF: 1.11).

15)  Sirianni, H., Sirianni, M.J., Mallinson, D.J., Lindquist, N.L., Valdes-Weaver, L.M., **Moody, M., Henry, B., Coli, C., Rubino, B., Peñalver, M.M., Henne, C. (2022) Quantifying recent storm-induced change on a small fetch-limited barrier island along North Carolina’s Crystal Coast using aerial imagery and LiDAR. Coasts, 2, 302-322. https://doi.org/10.3390/coasts2040015  (Journal Article).

14)  Guan, S., Huang, Y., Sirianni, H., Wang, G., Zhu, Z. (2022) An Error Prediction Model for Construction Bulk Measurements Using a Customized Low-Cost UAS-LIDAR System. Drones. 9(7), 178, https://doi.org/10.3390/drones6070178  (Journal Article: IF: 5.532).

13)  Guan, S., Sirianni, H., Wang, W., Zhu, Z. (2022) sUAS monitoring of Coastal Environments: A Review of Best Practices from Field to Lab. Drones. 6(6), 142, https://doi.org/10.3390/drones6060142 (Journal Article: IF: 5.532).

12)  *Cooper, H., Wasklewicz, T., Zhu, Z., Lewis, W., LeCompte, K., Heffentrager, M., Smaby, R**, Brady, J, Howard, R (2021) Evaluating the ability of multi-sensor techniques to capture topographic complexity. Sensors. 21(6), https://doi.org/10.3390/s21062105  (Journal Article: IF 3.847).

11)  *Cooper, H. and Zhang, C. Vulnerability Analysis of Coastal Everglades to Sea Level Rise using SLAMM. In: Multi-sensor System Applications in the Everglades Ecosystem. Qihao Weng, editor. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2020. p. 259-272. (Book Chapter).

10)  *Cooper, H. and Zhang, C. Enhancing LiDAR Data Integrity in the Coastal Everglades. In: Multi-sensor System Applications in the Everglades Ecosystem. Qihao Weng, editor. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2020. Pp. 273-288. (Book Chapter).

9)    *Cooper, H., Zhang, C., Davis, S., Troxler, T. (2019) Object-based Correction of LiDAR DEMs Using RTK-GPS Data and Machine Learning Modeling in the Coastal Everglades. Environmental Modeling & Software, 112, p. 179-191. (Journal Article: IF 5.699).

8)    Zhang, C., Denka, S., *Cooper, H., Mishra, D. (2018) Multiscale Quantification of Sawgrass Marsh Aboveground Biomass in the Coastal Everglades Using Object-based Ensemble Analysis and Landsat Data. Remote Sensing of the Environment, p. 366-379. (Journal Article: IF 13.85).

7)    Zhang, C., Selch, D., and Cooper, H. (2015) A Framework to Combine Three Remotely Sensed Data Sources for Vegetation Mapping in Central Florida Everglades. Wetlands. 36, p. 201-213. (Journal Article: IF 2.5).

6)    *Cooper, H., Zhang, C., and Selch, D. (2015). Incorporating Uncertainty of Groundwater Modeling in Sea-Level Rise Assessment: A Case Study in South Florida. Climatic Change, 129(1-2), p. 281-294. (Journal Article: IF 5.174).

5)    Zhang, C., *Cooper, H., Selch, D., et al. (2014). Mapping Urban Land Covers Using Object-based Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis. Remote Sensing Letters, 5(6), p. 521-529. (Journal Article: IF: 2.369).

4)    *Cooper, H. and Chen, Q. (2013). Incorporating Uncertainty of Future Sea-Level Rise Estimates into Vulnerability Assessment: A Case Study in Kahului, Maui. Climatic Change, 121(4), p. 635-647. (Journal Article: IF 5.174). Awarded Graduate Student Publication Award, Department of Geography, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa.

3)    Zhang, C., Selch, D., Roberts, C., Xie, X., *Cooper, H., and Chen, G. (2013). Object-based Benthic Habitat Mapping in the Florida Keys from Hyperspectral Imagery. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 134, p. 88-97. (Journal Article: IF 2.929).

2)    *Cooper, H., Fletcher, C.H., Chen, Q., and Barbee, M.M. (2013). Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability Mapping for Adaptation Decisions using LiDAR DEMs. Progress in Physical Geography, 37(6), p. 743-764. (Journal Article: IF 4.283).

1)    *Cooper, H., Chen, Q., Fletcher, C.H., and Barbee, M.M. (2012). Vulnerability Assessment due to Sea-Level Rise in Maui, Hawai`i using LiDAR Remote Sensing and GIS. Climatic Change, 116 (3-4), p. 547-563. (Journal Article: IF 5.174).

Publications (Non-Refereed)

4)    *Cooper, H. (2016, November 18). 5 Ways to Keep Manatees Safe in South Florida this Manatee Season. The Palm Beacher. Available at: https://www.palmbeachermagazine.com/noteworthy/5-ways-keep-manatees-safe-south-florida-manatee-season (Magazine Article)

3)    *Cooper, H. Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability Mapping of South Florida. In: Esri Map Book Volume 31. ESRI Press, 2016. pp 68-69. (Cartographic Products)

2)    Selch, D., Zhang, C., Oleinik, A., and *Cooper, H. Hyperspectral Signatures of Sand Samples. In: The ArcGIS Imagery Book: New View. New Vision. Brown C and Harder C, editors. Esri Press, 2016. pp 67. (Cartographic Products)

1)    Markwith, S., *Cooper, H., Kamerosky, A., Kunwar, R., Thibaut, C., Mulcan, M., and So, Y. (2014). Pre-restoration Assessment of Fish and Invertebrate Communities at the Grassy Flats Restoration Area, Lake Worth Lagoon, Florida.  Submitted to the Department of Environmental Resources Management, Palm Beach County, FL. (Report)

*née Cooper

** Student of Hannah Sirianni